
Fort Wayne Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer and Attorney Blog

In Gun Debate, a Bigger Role Seen for Insurers

This article is about states considering mandatory liability insurance for gun owners. The states pondering such legislation are California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. The measure is seen as an incentive for safe, responsible gun ownership. Irresponsible gun owners would face high premiums for the liability insurance, or would be denied insurance. The National Rifle Association endorses voluntary liability policies for gun owners, but not mandatory policies. Other gun control measures states are proposing include universal background checks, bans on large capacity ammunition magazines, and stronger bans on assault weapons. A policy is available for concealed gun carriers through the United States Concealed Carry Association that covers legal defense reimbursement for acquittals of justifiable self-defense cases. Many home insurance policies cover accidents and unintentional acts concerning guns in the possession of the homeowner. Insurance companies seem wary of covering “willful acts,” or acts where a gun is fired intentionally in self defense or property protection. An analogy was made of insurers covering a homeowner for an act of arson in comparison to offering coverage for acts of intentional firearm usage. An umbrella policy covering such acts could be a consideration or option offered by insurance companies for gun owners. Underwriters could also refuse to covers crimes that are committed with the insured firearm. Another very concerned group in the gun debate are business owners in states with expanded concealed carry laws. Businesses are afraid that their premiums will increase greatly if an injury incident occurs on their property. To read the full article, click the link: