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Patient Advocate Groups Want the Ability for Patients to Record Surgeries

January 11, 2016

A Wisconsin state congressman, inspired by a man who lost his sister after a botched surgery, introduced a bill last spring that would require hospitals to offer patients the option of recording surgeries. The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association is trying to get a similar measure introduced in Indiana, according to local chapter director Betty Daniels.

There are some concerns however: How would the videographer stay out of the way of the surgery? What would prevent the video from getting posted on social media, betraying the privacy of the patient or the medical team? There are patient HIIPA rights that must be considered.

One Canadian surgeon, Dr. Teodor Grantcharov, has designed a surgical "black box" that aims to protect patient safety. The device records not only audio and video, but also hundreds of other medical data points during a surgery, he said.

The black box has been piloted at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, and is set to be tested in two US hospitals next year, as well as in other hospitals in Canada and Europe, Grantcharov said. He said it has great promise to reduce medical errors.

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