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Sweeney Law FirmPodiatristsPodiatrists are doctors that specialize in the care of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. This requires additional knowledge of the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and vasculature of the body from the knee down. Podiatry is considered a subspeciaSweeney Law FirmPreventative ScreeningsPreventative screening tests that are recommended vary by age and gender. Also, pregnant women undergo many additional screenings to detect problems with the baby’s development, diseases that could acquired by the baby upon delivery, and conditions that cSweeney Law FirmPsychiatristsPsychiatrists are doctors with expanded knowledge of the mental or psychiatric disorders affecting the way people think and behave. Psychiatrists must have a knowledge of psychiatric disorders, all the variables that can affect how people interact with thSweeney Law FirmRadiology: x-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRIRadiology is a specialty field in medicine with a focus on the interpretation of diagnostic films. These films include CT (CAT) scans, MRI, x-rays, ultrasounds, mammograms, sonograms and other methods of imaging. Radiologists are often called in to reviewSweeney Law FirmRheumatologistsRheumatologists are doctors with expanded knowledge of diseases and afflictions that affect primarily the joints and musculoskeletal components (including connective tissue and soft tissue) causing pain and inflammation. A patient with any of the followinSweeney Law FirmUrology MalpracticeUrology is the field of medicine that focuses on the urinary tracts of males and females as well as the reproductive system of males. In both males and females, the urinary and reproductive tracts are close together, and disorders of one often affect the