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Sweeney Law FirmIntracranial HematomaIntracranial hematoma (IH) is bruising, or blood vessel breakage in the brain. Blood being released from the broken vessel into surrounding tissues can cause inflammation, swelling, and pressure that may be life threatening. If an artery in the brain is dSweeney Law FirmNiemann-Pick DiseaseNiemann-Pick disease, also known as acid sphingomyelinase deficiency, is an inherited, congenital disorder affecting an enzyme known as acid sphingomyelinase. If a person is missing acid sphingomyelinase or if their body produces this enzyme in a defectivSweeney Law FirmSpinal Cord InjuriesSpinal cord injuries can be divided into several categories: inherited, birth trauma, and acquired. Acquired spinal cord injuries is a broad category covering infectious agents or mechanical forces that cause spinal cord injury. Other types of acquired spSweeney Law FirmStevens-Johnson SyndromeStevens-Johnson syndrome, also known as epidermal necrolysis, is an immune over reaction to viral infections or an allergic reaction to antibiotics. This type of serious reaction is considered a medical emergency, but fortunately is rare. This reaction inSweeney Law FirmStrokeStroke is the general term used for blood flow disruption to the brain. Continuous blood flow is extremely important as it delivers oxygen, nutrients, and carries waste away from cells of the brain and throughout the body. Brain cells are especially susceSweeney Law FirmTuberculosisTuberculosis (TB) is a very contagious and spreadable disease in enclosed spaces. TB bacteria is spread through the air by persons talking, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Breathing in TB bacteria can result in the bacteria growing in the lungs (pulmonaa