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Sweeney Law FirmPodiatristsPodiatrists are doctors that specialize in the care of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. This requires additional knowledge of the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and vasculature of the body from the knee down. Podiatry is considered a subspeciaSweeney Law FirmPostpartum PreeclampsiaPostpartum preeclampsia is similar to preeclampsia in symptoms, cause, and onset as related to pregnancy. Preeclampsia can develop in women who already had hypertension prior to pregnancy, and in women who did not experience hypertension previously. PostpSweeney Law FirmPre-Term (Premature) LaborSometimes for identifiable and unknown reasons, pregnant women will go into labor significantly before their due date. If a baby is delivered at 36 weeks and beyond the normal forty weeks there are typically very few, if any, significant problems. ASweeney Law FirmPreeclampsiaPreeclampsia, which is also called toxemia, is a serious medical condition that affects pregnant women and the fetus. It can occur after the 20th week of pregnancy and is characterized by the development of elevated blood pressure and protein in the urineSweeney Law FirmPreeclampsia or Gestational HypertensionSix to eight percent of women can develop gestational hypertension, or high blood pressure during pregnancy. A couple of additional names refer to the same condition -- pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia (pronounced pre-E-clamp-see-a) and toxemiSweeney Law FirmPrenatal ScreeningsPrenatal screening is an essential part of responsible, effective prenatal care. Prenatal screenings and care along with antenatal screening help give the obstetrician a general picture of the mother’s health, a chance to review personal and family healthSweeney Law FirmPreventative ScreeningsPreventative screening tests that are recommended vary by age and gender. Also, pregnant women undergo many additional screenings to detect problems with the baby’s development, diseases that could acquired by the baby upon delivery, and conditions that cSweeney Law FirmProblems with Testosterone Replacement TherapyTestosterone replacement therapy can be used for men to increase energy levels, increase libido, enhance mood, increase bone density and muscle mass, increase insulin sensitivity. It is a fairly new treatment method. The long term effects, risks, and beneSweeney Law FirmPsychiatric MalpracticeWhen you or a loved one seek the help of a psychiatric professional, they are entrusted with your mental well-being and are expected to help you deal or recover from your trauma. Medical professionals have a duty to their patients to bring no harm physicaSweeney Law FirmPsychiatristsPsychiatrists are doctors with expanded knowledge of the mental or psychiatric disorders affecting the way people think and behave. Psychiatrists must have a knowledge of psychiatric disorders, all the variables that can affect how people interact with th