Reporting Nursing Home Abuse and Mistreatment
Reporting Nursing Home Abuse and Mistreatment in Indiana
Indiana nursing homes have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment and quality care. However, it is far too common that loved ones are the victims of nursing home abuse, nursing home neglect, and nursing home mistreatment.
If you suspect that someone is being abused or neglected in a nursing home, you must take immediate action.
The National Adult Protective Services Association Hotline for Indiana is 800-992-6978. You can visit the NAPSA website for more details and information about reporting nursing home abuse and neglect in other states.
You will need to provide the nursing home resident's name, address, and details about the suspected abuse. You may be asked for your contact information.
There are several signs of abuse or mistreatment that you should be aware of as you evaluate a possible abuse situation.
Signs of Physical Abuse
- Bruises
- Wounds
- Fractures
- Increased behaviors associated with pain from injuries
Signs of Sexual Abuse
- Bruises in the genital area
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding
Signs of Emotional Abuse
- Demeaning & derogatory remarks
- Verbal assaults
- Threats of violence
- Unauthorized use of physical or chemical restraints
- Medication
- Isolation
- Showing fear in the presence of specific caregivers
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Nightmares
Signs of Neglect
- Poor hygiene
- Weight loss
- Skin abnormalities
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Missing prescribed medications
- Missing prescribed treatments
Signs of Financial Abuse
- Unexplained disappearance of funds
- Loss of valuable possessions
- Overcharging
- Accepting money from a confused resident